It is very probable that, wherever you are, there is at least one Asian fast food restaurant in your area. It is also probable that you have gone and eaten there a couple of times already. Don't feel bad though. Who can resist all the savory foods it offers. Choices like white rice, fried rice, lo mein, chow mein, Teriyaki or Honey Fire chicken, and many other options, make it irresistible. One such place is called Nao and Zen. It offers stir fry dishes with a choose-your-ingredients servicing style.
Chicken and white rice stir fry with assorted vegetables and honey fire sauce. |
Now, you may say, that doesn't look delicious at all. Well, let's take a closer look.
Are you salivating yet? |
Yes, it tasted as delicious as it looks. Also, to some surprise, its salt, sugar, and fat content wasn't bad, without the soda that is.
From left to right: 193mg of salt, 28g of sugar, and 60g of total fat. |
Wow, this might be the healthiest dish so far! Though these values are not necessarily correct, seeing that Nao and Zen does not actually have a published nutrition sheet. Read the Nao and Zen
page for more info!
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